
I hope you’re having a power packed week so far. Well, I am extremely excited to be sharing this email with you. The reason you’re receiving this one is because we’ve interacted before. And I felt that I could start my newsletter journey along with you.

While newsletters are a dying form of content, I’m trying my best to keep them -

  1. Relevant
  2. Crisp
  3. Resourceful

This is for anyone who is remotely working on building brands, design systems or just powerful consumer businesses. And I’ll dive straight into today’s topic: Podcasts

I’ve always been an admirer of great content. A few years back when the podcast culture was on the rise, everyone took to it. Perhaps due to the low entry barrier to this form of content. It almost sky rocketed through the lockdown - for reasons I’m sure you would have drawn some conclusions to. But today, I’ll help you understand the nuances of what it takes to build a solid one and why - for every business.


If you are a service driven business, it’s almost a given that you can use this to differentiate yourself from being a sales driven to a marketing driven business. If you are a product company, it’s wiser for you to pick the area that you product most resonates with and build one in that sphere (In my opinion, sub-sectors that would do well for a podcast are: Sustainability, Hemp, FMCG (currently there’s no podcast by an FMCG brand who’s talking about the journey of building one. I feel someone like ShashankRohanRaulAshwajeet or Sahar would do well in this space), FinTech, Healthcare, DTC, the list is endless)

When I started my first Podcast (+ Youtube Channel): Why Not, I did so for 2 reasons:

  1. It was essential to widen my network. I’m a relationship driven guy, so this one was definitely for me. While sales can help open the first couple of doors (in the journey) for you, it’s relationships (and referrals) that would open the next few. I found podcasts as a great way to speak with interesting individuals, over and above business requirements.
  2. The one source of content - Podcast, gave rise to so much more content that I could use on my LinkedIn (I wasn’t really active on Twitter back in 2020), but this form of content has give me so much to talk about.

Today, I'm on to my 2nd Podcast: Design Grid and it's just improved massively from where I started.

As a result, it not only helped me with all the above, but also got me connected to interesting people, thereby opportunities and most essentially - get noticed. (ProTip: Everyone consumes content on social media platforms. Few create. So as long as you are creating something, you’ll get noticed. Eventually, you’ll get better at it)

The Guests?

I launched an email campaign using a blitzkrieg technique. To start with a Podcast, you’ll need a theme. I picked ‘how did brand managers react to COVID’. Now the interesting thing to note is that: podcasts are about people (for sure businesses, but still, people). So my theme was about brand managers - instead of brands, which got me the attention I needed.

So back to the email strategy: I picked a Tuesday morning (10am) to send a very personalized email to every single brand that I wanted - and I sent it all out at once. Within the first 10 minutes of my email - my inbox was flooded with responses. They all wanted to know more and that was enough. So as long as your theme resonates with your guests - you will get their attention. This is for the ones where you don’t have a relationship with. If you already have one, it’s a cake-walk. (ProTip: Everyone wants to share their experiences. You just have to give them an opportunity to talk about it)

The Show: